Elite Action Plan Part 5: The Zone Issue

In the Elite Action Series, we explore proven strategies elite athletes have used to reach the pinnacle of their sports and how we can apply them to our lives beyond the playing field. Last time, we explored the strategy of treating our injuries. In this last installment, it’s about finding access to peak performance.

Strategy 5. Find Your Access Point

Photo by Rupert Ganzer

Whether it’s the warm-up routine of a MLB pitcher, a tennis player bouncing a ball exactly eleven times before each serve, a swimming slapping his chest on the starting blocks or a skateboarder listening to the song that taps him into the courage and creativity of an epic halfpipe run, elite athletes all know what they need to reach “the zone” – a mindset of nearly unconscious peak performance. It’s a flow where we do what we need to do, where we exist in an elite level of performance with minimal noise in our heads.
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