Comments on: Elite Action Series Part 2: The Together Issue Mindset training for peak performance. Wed, 29 Nov 2017 17:58:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arthur Coddington Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:12:06 +0000 In reply to Mairéad.

So true. I think we’re all guilty of gaps in perseverance.

By: Mairéad Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:57:24 +0000 Great post Arthur. The really nice thing is these tactics can be transferred to all walks of life. I notice that you mentioned practicing, which means coming back and doing it again and again and again to get better and better. All to often I hear Mumpreneurs say they ‘gave up’ after the first time or second time they tried something and it didn’t work. As I say to them, they don’t expect babies to be automatic experts at anything, yet as adults they often don’t allow themselves to be learners and then find it difficult due to unrealistic expectations. Keep going, keep practicing and it will get easier.

By: Arthur Coddington Sun, 22 Sep 2013 20:00:32 +0000 In reply to april.

You’re right, April. The game of life often demands more of us than any sport. Let’s hope we’re well-trained for those moments!

By: april Sun, 22 Sep 2013 06:23:36 +0000 love your analogy, arthur. as jessica mentioned, we sometimes expect hard work and sacrifice from an athlete. but what we are all doing outside the athletic arena is often called a game as well – the game of life.

By: Arthur Coddington Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:59:09 +0000 In reply to Jessica Sweet.

Glad this has made such an impact on you, Jessica. You’ve hit on an important message. It takes work. I have a huge reaction against folks who lead with awestruck sighs and promises of “manifestations” (god I hate the twisting of that word toward lazy magic). Life can absolutely get nonlinear, and in the vast majority of cases an effortless payoff is the result of hard work.

By: Jessica Sweet Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:32:04 +0000 Wow. I’m awestruck at your take on life as viewed by an elite athlete, because when it comes to sports we all get it: it’s supposed to hurt, sometimes we lose, there’s blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice involved. It takes work. . . and yet when it comes to other areas of our lives, we expect it to be easy. We wonder why we sometimes fail, and we use it as an excuse to give up. I love the idea that we have to train for our life goals in much the same way that we’d train for a sport, and that a support team is a critical element. Thanks so much for this new perspective!
